Friday, March 11, 2011


Freak Factor by David Rendall explains how to overcome weakness in your life.  He states that weakness is only a hint at your greatest strength. You must harness the negative energy from the weakness and turn it positive.  For example if someone is a drug addict they will see themselves as being weak and their addiction as their weakness.  Addiction is not a weakness it just depends what you are addicted to.  If you turn a negative addiction into a positive addiction you can drastically change your life.  There are a couple examples the author uses that I think can help me in my creative process.  The power of uniqueness is a factor I can use.  This factor explains that although you might think you have flaws they are really just the uniqueness of you.  No one else is exactly the same as you.  We all have unique qualities and instead of hiding them or seeing them as flaws we must embrace them.  The author uses the example The Leaning Tower of Pisa.  This building has gained much attention over the years mainly because of its uniqueness. He states the flaw of the tower is what makes it an object of special attention also every attempt to fix the so called flaw has been met with disappointment.  This means to embrace your flaws seeing them as unique qualities that make you special.  The next factor I liked was Find the Right Spot.  The author uses an example of Rudolph the red nosed reindeer.  The point of the story is Rudolph had a red nose which was an obvious flaw.  The other reindeer made fun of him for being different.  This mirrors people making fun of a person for dressing a certain way or acting a certain way if they think it is out of the ordinary.  This makes the person feel isolated and alone.  Rudolph tried to cover up his flaw although it didn’t work.  Then one foggy night Santa asked Rudolph to lead his sleigh because of his glowing red flaw.  This shows that his flaw really wasn’t his weakness it was his strength.   The same think that made him a freak made him a hero.  The third factor I liked was Focus: You can’t do both.  This factor is based on the question: Would you fix your weaknesses, build strengths, or both.  Most chose both.  However because of limited time most do not succeed in tackling both challenges at once.  By focusing on both activities you limit progress.  You should focus on changing one thing at a time focusing all your energy into it.  This affects my creative process because I have weaknesses I would like to change however I try and conquer them at the same time.  By solving each weakness separately I can focus my progress to that goal.  My strengthens are I am smart when I apply myself and when I find something I like to do I work very hard on it.  My weaknesses are procrastination and when I do not enjoy a subject or topic lose interest. These weaknesses are my major downfall. They affect my attendance, the quality of my work, and the promptness of the work.  My weaknesses affected me in this class especially on the blog post.  I would procrastinate doing the work putting it off till the last minute.   This made the quality of my work go down because I was in a hurry.  Next quarter I am trying to replace my weaknesses with strength in that area.  I will work toward one goal at a time.  

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