Friday, March 11, 2011


I was not present for my groups gaming presentation.  After discussing the ideas we wanted for our game we set out to come up with the rules, objectives, goals, and mechanisms.   The premise of our game was a golem set in the time of world war 2.  The objective is to destroy all the enemy's in the game however you must be careful because once you attack the enemy gains reinforcements.  I hope our group did a great presentation.  The only aspect of the game to audience might have gotten confused about are the goals.  When attacking specific enemy's you only get attacked by that enemy not everyone.  Depending who you attack you may lose or win the fight.  I thought our idea for the game was very strong.  Victor a member of my group the basis of the game down.  As a group we honed the specific's of the game.  Because his idea was so elaborate it was easy to develop the rules and objectives of the game. 
I believe rules are the easiest to explain the others when talking about video games.  This is because the whole game is based on a set of rules.  If you try and break one of the rules the game automatically corrects you.  Rules are easy to explain because before you play a game you must know the rules.  For example in Call of Duty Black Ops a rule is you cannot go outside of the designated area.  If you do the game either declares you dead or takes you to another part of the map.  Another aspect of this game is  its rules with different perks, weapon attachment, and killstreaks.  Some simple rules of this game are you can only have three killstreaks and perks on at one time.  Each perk allows you to have one special ability.  However because the rules of the game if you decide not to use a perk you forfeit those special abilities.  You cannot play a game without knowing the rules.  Therefore the rules must be explained and understood before play even begins.  You can also learn the rules on our own while playing the game.  Rules are the easiest to understand because similar games have similar rules. Once you learn them you do not forget. 

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