Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Well since my audio is not uploading right now i thought i would write about my movie clip.  In the opening scene they show the troopers in their uniforms.  You can see actual lines on their uniforms making them stick out more.  Also if you look closely you can see the posters in the background.  Lines always point to the character and in this frame the characters head is right in line with the posters.  Most of the scenes show secondary moments because the troopers are sitting down.  The cinematographer also uses virtual lines when a character is out of frame yet still talking.  The virtual lines are implying that he is looking at the other officers while he is talking but in reality they might not even be there.  A variety of movements are used through the frame such as people walking and moving to get tasks done.  The scenes with the troopers uses a lot of square shapes.  To tell the difference between the captain and the regular troopers the camera moves from medium shots showing the troopers to a close up only focusing on the captain.  I believe they did this to show his dominance and superiority over the other troopers.

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