Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Well since my video is not working i decided to write my critque of How To Be Creative by Hugh MacLeod.
This article was helpful in some senses but some of the tips weren't to helpful.  There were three suggestions that I agreed with most the first, Ignore everyone. He states the more original your idea the less help others will be.  This is because no one knows you better than you.  This has helped me in my creative process by ignoring what my friends think.  When i go home over breaks I take acting classes.  My friends think this is funny however i ignore them so I can truly be creative. The second is, Don't try to stand out from a crowd, avoid crowds all together.  This is a good creative suggestion because no one wants to be the person out of a crowd.  If they do get picked they are very lucky considering all the people want the same thing.  However if you avoid crowds all together you can expand on your ideas without the interference of others.  The idea you come up with will be all yours because you created it alone, singled out of the crowd.  The third suggestions i liked was you have to find your own shtick.  By this he means your own voice, something that makes you stand out.  It could be months even years until the AH Ha moment hits but when it does its because you found your own voice to express.  I thought this article had good suggestions.  If you want to find out more check out the article. HOW TO BE CREATIVE

B-roll footage-

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